Default position and size for symbol in the Articulations palette (MS 3.6)

• Feb 21, 2022 - 15:08

I added a symbol from the Bravura font to the Articulations palette, but when I apply it to a note, the size placement are not what I want. I tried to adjust scale and X and Y offset in the Properties menu, but I realized that this affects how the symbol is displayed in the cell (!) and not actual scale and offsets in the score.

Is there a way to define the default size and placement of an articulation? (I mean the default, I know you can adjust the offsets manually. I haven't seen how to modify the size, though).


Having modified it manually in the inspector press the "S" button adjacent to the relevant setting. That will make the setting the default style for that score.

If you want to use the same set of styles on some other scores you can save and load it from the [Format]>[Save Styel] or [Format}>[Load Style] menu.

If you want to have your modified styles as the default for all new scores you can do that from the [Format]>[Style] menu.

The default is defined by the musical font itself so there's no changing that.

But what should work is to adjust the offset manually once in the score and then add that marking to the palette instead. It then should retain those offset values when reapplied to other notes.

Size is determined by the font itself, so if you don't like the size of a symbol in the music font you are using, try a different one (see Format / Style / Score). As for placement, the Inspector has a number of settings there and the set as style button works to set defaults, although not necessarily the way you want, because it might not differentiate the different types of articulation.

If you attach your score and describe in more detail what you are trying to do, we can understand and assist better.

In reply to by theloni0us

Again, if you attach your score, we can probably help further. For instance, it might be possible to achieve what you want by adding the symbol as text from the Special Characters dialog. Very likely what you want is possible, but without more a more specific example, it's difficult to say exactly how to achieve it.

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