Repeats not working after Segno

• Mar 13, 2022 - 23:15

I have a song I'm transcribing with a huge section that repeats. I have set it up with a D.S. and a Segno. The D.S. and Segno work correctly, but there's a 4x repeat after the Segno that isn't repeating in the playback for some reason. It's not a huge deal, but I would like the playback to be accurate so I can get a good idea of how it sounds. I have attached the file below. Please help.

Attachment Size
Don't Say Lazy.mscz 17.79 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

And when you do, best double click the D.S. marking to be able to edit its text and add "con rep" so that human musicians will also be aware that you wish repeats to be honored after the jump. Because default convention is to only take the final repeat after a jump.

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