Is there any possibility to convert audio music to music sheet in musescore?
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Is there any possibility to convert audio music to music sheet in musescore?
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See:… for some info
In reply to See:… by Shoichi
But note there are no audio formats such as .mp3 or .wav included in the formats Musescore can import. In fact that is pretty much true of all notation programs. There may be some apps that can recognise and notate a simple one line melody and sometimes get close to a playable score. But nothing clever enough other than an experienced human that can take a recording of a Beethoven Symphony or a song by Adele or a Souza march and write out the score.
Basically, no. That sort of AI is still in its infancy, along with software that can take a picture of a car and turn it into a car. There exist some technologies (like 3D printing) that may eventually make something like that feasible, but it's a long ways from being that simple right now. Similarly, there are services that can take extremely simple one-line melodies and recognize the pitches in them and try to notate them, but that's a far cry from just plugging in your favorite song and having sheet music.
First: please get your stuck CapsLock fixed
Second: no, you can't uncramble an egg
Melodyne can convert audio to MIDI and MuseScore can import MIDI. It can handle polyphonic instruments, like piano, but not sure how well it would do with multiple instruments.
In reply to Melodyne can convert audio… by yonah_ag
Cubase can also do it. This example shows it in action for multiple instruments which are already on separate tracks:
Here's Cubase with piano chords:
In reply to Melodyne can convert audio… by yonah_ag
Indeed, for sufficiently simple cases, sure, the technology exists. But it has a long ways to go before it's viable for the sort of thing people typically imagine using it for (eg, in goes a recording of a pop song, out comes readable sheet music).
In reply to Indeed, for sufficiently… by Marc Sabatella
Like if it is a fried egg rather than a scrambled egg ;-)
In reply to Like if it is a fried egg… by Jojo-Schmitz
Ha! Yes, more like a fried egg.
In reply to Indeed, for sufficiently… by Marc Sabatella
I guess that it will happen eventually, given that humans can manage it pretty well.
In reply to I guess that it will happen… by yonah_ag
I think you should try out capella audio2score. The new version audio2score pro 4 uses AI technology to transcribe sheet music from recordings:…
In reply to I think you should try out… by ornello
Looks interesting. Have you tried it?
In reply to Looks interesting. Have you… by yonah_ag
Yes, works well for piano solo and piano + instruments. In addtion to pitch and duration, it also recognizes the instrumental group (strings, wind instruments, piano) of each note. Singing still need improvement,