How to manually adjust stave positioning?

• Jul 9, 2022 - 15:31

I want to adjust the vertical position of my stave so that when the pages are placed out on a music stand they are all at the same height. Is there any way to do this?

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staff pic.PNG 70.96 KB


It wouldn't really to standard to force staff distance to be the same even when the musical content is different - staves containing more markings above or below require more space. But, if you're OK with forcing all staves to have as much space as required by the "fattest" staff and system in the entire piece, you can get this effect by setting the min staff and min system distance appropriately. These settings are in Format / Style / Page.

As it is, it seems you are already doing something to try to force way more space than necessary for this music, so whatever you did, you'll also need to undo that.

It's also possible in a reasonably short score to do this completely manually y adding spacers to each and every staff, but that would be a pain for any but the shortest/simplest scores, and it would break as soon as the score layout changed.

If you continue to have trouble, please attach the actual score instead of just a picture, so we can understand and assist better.

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