Better / quicker chords editing + chord / melody mode.

• Sep 6, 2022 - 08:44

We suggest to add a "chord editing mode" additionally to the already existing editing mode, that is more suitable for melodies in my eyes.

Here is the workflow:

> After You selected a spot inside of a measure, when You press N to change to the editing mode, following happens:

(fature requst. png)
> To add a not, you need to press 'opt' and 'up' till You get to a "slot" for an additional Note, that is marked by a dashed stroke. This additional slot inside of a cord is selected automatically.

> We can navigate between notes of a cord by using 'opt' or 'alt' (as it is now).

> Now, to edit a cord quickly, we need to be able to replace a selected note. Let's say, C is selected - so if I press 'd' now, 'c' will be replaced by 'd'.

> You can also shift the selected note by half of a tone (as it is now).

> To move forward, press 'right' (as it is now).

> You set a note now (as it is now), lets say an 'a'.

> The next thing happens is nothing, as it could be that You want to make an 'as' out of it.

> But You want to add a further note to You chord, so You jump to the not yet existing note by 'opt'+'up'.

My friend and student and I developed this workflow together, I am a long-time user, composing for piano, and my student is a beginner in piano, otherwise mathematician and developer.
Nevertheless, we noticed the same problem.

Please support us ;-)

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