Instrument List

• Sep 6, 2022 - 14:19

Does anyone know of a way I could be able to list all the instruments (in a part) under the part name automatically in Musescore? Something like this...


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Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 9.17.24 AM.png 598.2 KB


In reply to by MusicFan3331111

AFAIK there is no direct way to that, but there is a way:

  1. File / Parts ...
  2. Choose 'Single Part'
  3. Select the instrument, press the plus button
  4. Repeat this for all instruments you want on the sheet
  5. Write in the "Part Title" field e.g.: "REED 2 Flute English Horn Clarinet"
  6. Generate the part with 'OK'
  7. Go to the part sheet and modify the string "REED 2 Flute English Horn Clarinet" by adding new lines and modifying the font size as you like.

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