Midi export from command line doesn't respect style chord symbol playback setting

• Sep 13, 2022 - 14:32

Following the directions here, I turned all playback of chord symbols off by unchecking Style->Chord Symbols -> Play. I then saved the resultant style in a file no_chord_playback.mss. My hope was that I could then run

mscore [input .mscz] -S no_chord_playback.mss -o [output .mid]

and not get any chord symbol playback in the output midi. However, this doesn't seem to work---the chord symbol playback is still there.

E.g., I made the attached Chord_demo.mscz. After running

mscore Chord_demo.mscz -S no_chord_playback.mss -o temp.mid

I get the attached temp.mid, in which the F7 chord is still present.

I have a large number of files I would like to export and I want to be certain there are no chords present in them. Thanks for your help.

Here's my Musescore version etc:
OS: macOS 10.16, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 3224f34

Attachment Size
Chord_demo.mscz 3.18 KB
no_chord_playback.mss 60.53 KB
temp.mid 148 bytes


It seems that the -S option doesn't work as intended , regardless of whether you want -o to output anything automatically. Even when starting Musescore with the -S option, the style file is not loaded.
I tried it with the MuseJazz.mss to set an other text style: not working.
If you load the *.mss manually it works, including turning off chord playback.

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