recently saved musescore files won't open in Songbook on iPad2
I have been using musescore 1.3 on Windows Vista and saving .mscz files on my Google drive, opening them on iPad 2 with Musescore Songbook, no problem. I recently wiped laptop HDD and so reinstalled musescore today, revision 5702. I also installed Portable and for testing this bug, MuseScoreNightly-2014-09-17-2207-0c226ee
Since I did the reinstallations, Songbook on iPad 2 can't open musescore files; mscz, mscx, xml..
It can still open files that I saved before the reinstall.
For MS1.3 5702 produced files it says " Unable to open file, file type not supprted" and offers to look for another app to open it in, but when this button is clicked it simply says loading, and never gets anywhere. when i click actions/open in/ it says couldnt open item, error downloading~
For files saved with MusescoreNightly it offers to open it in Songbook, but when i accept to try doing so by clicking the musescore songbook icon, songbook opens with a msg "error, cannot load score!"
Songbook can't open scores from the nightlies (yet), they will get updated for that once MuseScore 2.0 is officially released, no ETA yet.
MuseScore 1.x can't open files created (or last saved) by 2.0 Beta 1 or the nightlies and it never will.
The "file type not supported" though seems to indicate a broken 1.x install, trying to load a 2.0 score in 1.x gives a different error message, "your Version of MuseScore is to old" or some such
For stuff like this you'd better go to the Forum, the issue tracker is for established bug.
The same file that won't open on iPad Songbook will open on Android musescore player
OK, if you want to fix this bug yourself, assign it to yourself, it not, leave it unassigned...
The Android player has the exact same restrictions as the iPad one, it won't, for the time being, open 2.0 files. If you have a file that one app opens and other not, it most probably is not the same file.
Or something is severly wrong with the apps (for Android and IOS), in which case you should contact
Thankyou for the advice~ I have reinstalled MS 1,3, iPad Songbook and the situation remains the same~ I'll contact support
When is this going to be fixed. You had the issue for nearly a year.
Songbook is meanwhile useless to Ver. 2 users moving their score to IPad
Thank you for your attention
??? Which bug? You are responding to a closed issue. If you have a specific score that is giving you problems in Songbook, please open a new issue and attach the specific score that is causing you problems. But MuseScore 2.0 has been out only a few months, so there can't be an issue that has existed for nearly a year, and Songbook started being capable of opening MuseScore 2.0 files within the first week of release as far as I can recall.
Perhaps you are trying to open a score created with an early experimental pre-release beta or nightly build? Those indeed aren't supported. But files created in the actual MuseScore 2.0 or later are.
Also, as mentioned above, please don't assign yourself to issues unless you are volunteering to fix them - that's what "Assigned" is for :-)