Creating sensible drum parts for playing time

• Oct 10, 2022 - 12:24

I'm currently arranging for a big band, and in order to assist with playback I have some very basic swing drum parts written, along with a few bars where there are actual rhythmic phrases, hits and so on that need to be included.

If handwriting these, I'd normally write a two bar pattern, and then just use something like a rest brace with text for "8 bars same", "16 bars time" etc in order to make the part a little easier to read.

I'm able to hide the repeated notes within my part, but due to the stretch and number of notes that would be on the page if not hidden, I'm not able to squash this down so that there is just a single stave for a rehearsal mark - e.g. the song I'm arranging is an AABA form, so for the second A section ideally I'd just have a single stave with the text '16 bars time` over it.

Is there a way to override the stretch to such a level that this is possible, or would I need to create a seperate drum part completely for this in order to achieve what's needed?


In MS3 I'd go for an additional playback part for easy of creating the condensed part.
For MS4 you could probably make use of the repeat last 2/4 measures symbols.

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