MuseScore 4 Mixer possible requests/suggestions

• Oct 12, 2022 - 19:58

I just want to start off by saying I am absolutely in love with the new look of the mixer. Compared to MuseScore 3, the design is far superior. That being said, I had a few questions regarding the development of the mixer and it's features.

My biggest question that I had is if at any possible point in the future the mixer would be able to be vertically docked or tabbed, similar to MuseScore 3. (See screenshot below) I understand that this version is only in alpha and all kinks are being worked out but I do also recognize that the mixer in MuseScore 4 violates the rules of the other windows (properties, palettes, etc.) as listed by others in this discussion. I wanted to reach out regarding that because I do feel that the mixer takes up an unnecessary amount of screen space in the program and makes it difficult to use in conjunction with the notation portion and wanted to reach out to see if there are any further developments in the works.

I also had a few questions regarding as what I've deemed "sub-channels," or the different expressions found within each part. (Or the ones that have them, such as strings (arco, pizzicato, and the rather redundant but still present tremolo) and brass (open, mute). I am aware the presence of keyswitching in VSTS but was still wondering if there was a possibility to implement said sub-channels into the mixer for MuseScore 4 for the respective techniques of each instrument. I have done testing myself to see if it was possible to "keyswitch" both soundfonts and VSTS, but found that it was not possible. (pizz remained sounding as arco, mute remained sounding as open etc.) The workaround I've used in the past with MuseScore 3 is to insert an Instrument Change to parts that use a different soundfont (thus adding a sub-channel to the part in the mixer) but found that this did not translate to MuseScore 4. The workaround I'm using currently in MuseScore 4 is to just add an entire part for the technique change because I have not had much success with keyswitches or text (arco, pizz, tremolo, etc). This works just fine for me but is very cumbersome and is hard to make scores look nice with. For example using VSTs, if I needed pizzicato from violas, I would have to insert a new part, assign the VST to the part, and then access the technique I need in that part. It works fine for me, but I would much prefer having sub-channels in each part (arco, pizz, trem) that I could assign a VST technique to that way.

Again, I completely understand that MuseScore 4 is still in alpha and I am VERY proud of all of the hard work the MuseScore team has put into this program, but these are just my thoughts as I go about using MuseScore 4.


Currently there is no direct access to the subchannels, and indeed, no way to select individual sounds within a soundfont. These are both slated to be redesigned and reimplemented for some 4.x release, I believe.

Meanwhile, though, you can definitely do VST keyswitches. In fact, I just demonstrated this during my "MuseScore Café" earlier today. See here:

I don't think soundfonts support the idea of keyswitches, but maybe I'm wrong. MuseScore has built in support for pizz & arco, plus a mute for brass, etc. But for other changes, you'd need to use instrument changes indeed.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

This is wonderful news to hear indeed. I agree with you I am not certain about soundfonts supporting the idea of keyswitching but I will gladly continue to use the workarounds I've listed in the meantime. Until then, I will take a look into the demonstration of VST keyswitches in the video you have provided. Thank you!

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