Hiding Blue Loop Flags WHILE Keeping Them Active

• Oct 13, 2022 - 01:35

First of all, my apologies if there is already an answer to this question, it is absolutely impossible to search for as all I get is threads where people accidentally enable loop playback and complain about it.

What I am looking to do is to keep my loop playback active(!), but hide the large blue flags that bound the loop regions. I am a music educator using MuseScore as a visual aid to "play along" with different sections of the music, and these flags are covering parts of my score, and may confuse my students (this is an introductory course).

Is there a way to hide these flags? None of the documentation or reference covers this.

Otherwise, is this something that could be accomplished with a plugin? I can write my own if these flags are objects that are accessible via the plugin system.

Thank you for your time.


jpodolski@ Hello,
you could do like this (if you like):
1) put the chorus bars.
2) Right-click on the measure on the right and then choose Beat properties (attachment 1)
3) Put in the Repetition count the number of times you want to repeat the music enclosed in the repetition marks (attachment 2).
Sorry for the English but I don't know the language.
Good music

Attachment Size
1.png 68.73 KB
2.png 113.78 KB

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