mu͒3: flexibility of Parts

• Oct 26, 2022 - 19:46


I’ve been doing some “interesting” things with Parts, such as having transposed copies of the main score as Parts so my PDF generator just generates one for all of them.

Today I wondered whether I can do a Part with the original notation with repeats, and the main score (which the audio is generated from) have the repeats expanded and the playback (for notes where one verse has a tie or slur but the other doesn’t) fixed. That is, a Part of a different length than the main score.

Of course I couldn’t create them using mscore3 itself, but I can easily do so by XML editing. Of course I’m losing a lot of linkedMain/linked tags, but otherwise… it seems to work!

Does anyone else have any experience with how stable this is?

What else are the limits of Parts?

I think I saw that you could also append a Score element after the main Score element, not as final subelement of it how Parts are implemented, but I couldn’t get that to work when I quickly tried that. Is that true, how does that work semantically, and what would you use it for?


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