Where are Forte, Piano, Pianissimo etc.?

• Jan 11, 2025 - 21:26

I am using Musescore 3.6.2. From what I can see, it says I should look in Pallettes under Lines. All there appears to be is mf with a hairpin... and that's it. There is no p, no pp, no ppp, no Forte, no nothin'.
As these are pretty common dynamic commands, I can't imagine they would leave this out. Yes, I can print that in with System Text but it would be nice to have the F with the fancy glyph that we have all seen countless times in scores. I understand that these directions are not recognized in play back. That's fine ... I can imagine it. I just want the dynamics indicated on the music sheet. Any insight will be appreciated. Thank you.


Thank you to the person who got back to me. I don’t have “Dynamics” in my list of Pallettes. I have Clefs, Key Signatures, Time Signatures etc. (It would be helpful if all these were in alphabetical order) but, alas, no “Dynamics.”
I have tried clicking on the note and certainly no new category pops up called “Dynamics” on my left hand side Pallettes list. I wish it did.
May I ask, where you specifically are seeing your “Dynamic” category?
Assuming that all the Pallette lists are laid out the same way, which two pallets is “Dynamics” sandwiched between?
Is it possible that it got eliminated somehow? It would seem that would be impossible as I’m sure this is a firmware.

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