hide rests?

• Oct 30, 2022 - 14:34

when using 2 voices, i have rests in the 1st voice. anyway to remove? I can go in the inspector and hide with color white. But still shows.

If jusing voice 1 only , can the rest be removed?

so anyway to completely hide?


In the view menu uncheck "Show invisible". But note that they will not print in any case and if you turn off "Show invisible" it affects every thing that has been made invisible making it very difficult to select them if you want to edit them. Unless you are doing something like making a screen capture during playback it is better to leave them in their "greyed out" state.

Please don't remove those rests - they are crucial in order for that rhythm to be understood. Without those rests it will look like musical nonsense.

Although, you can easily simplify the rhythm by notating the notes preceding those rests as quarter notes instead of triplets.

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