Independent elements for Parts

• Oct 31, 2022 - 22:20

Hi!. I'm working on orchestra and and recently began to prepare parts. From the very beginning I encountered few problems:
1. During editing timpani part I've got a frame. I made it invisible etc., but Tmp. got nothing to play and because of that frame 2 bars was stretched across whole system. timpani.png
2. I don't know how it's called in English but let's say "introductory notes". That notes are some kind of hints for players. They help you to figure out when you should play (especially after a long break) e.g.: introductory-notes.png

I think that the problem is just about Unlinking parts (what was already mentioned in different topic). I came up with an idea that if there will be an option to add elements (text, notes, other symbols) that are in some kind of "layer". So their are displayed only in their "layer" (e.g. just in timpani part score). There was a concept of layers:, but just for few elements like fingering. Of course I wasn't digging much in code so I don't how hard it will be to implement, but i will appreciate any feedback about such idea.

For now I have two workarounds:
- save parts as separate scores and edit them freely (probably best for now)
- add "introductory notes" in parts, then hide them in main score and add rests in 2nd,3rd... voice.

Attachment Size
timpani.png 33 KB
introductory-notes.png 93.83 KB


It's hard to say much from just pictures - we can understand and assist better if you attach your score, and give precise steps to reproduce the problem. For #1, I'm not sure what you are saying the problem is - what the frame is supposed to represent or where you've added it. For #2, those are called cue notes. And yes, ideally, they wouldn't appear in the score. For now you'll need to make the invisible manually. The layer idea was interesting, but it's overkill and more work than anyone should need to use for this purpose - we really just need a feature to make cue notes more automatically.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you very much for fast response and also for correct word for my "introductory notes" - cue notes. It turned out that there is much more info about cue notes and how to implement them (even tutorial on "HowTo" provided by musescore:
Back to the frame issue. I created and attached example score. In main score there is a frame on second page. Inside that frame there is a text used to describe in detail meaning of the square placed in 13th bar in flute. Right now when you open Timpani part you can see how frame divides multi measure rest for 11 bars and 14 bars. Without that frame whole timpani score will contain 2 lines instead of 3 and one multi measure rest that contains 25 bars like this: picture1.png
I know that this normal behavior of frames and probably I can do nothing with that. So I see the following options:
- save part score as a separate (as I wrote above)
- create an additional score legend for such custom symbols as square etc. and put it at the beginning of the score. (without using any frames in the middle of the score)

Attachment Size
frame_issue_timpani_part.mscz 23.6 KB
picture1.png 10.79 KB

In reply to by pianistmka

Ah, I understand now. Yes, I think you are right, there probably isn't anything that can be done about this. My workaround would be, don't use a frame for this. Consider instead making it staff text and positioning it at the bottom of the page manually. Eventually a footnote feature would be useful.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Oh wow. Right now that seems so obvious. Thanks a lot!!!
I was just thinking about positioning that staff text equally to the page margin (especially left), so I created new staff text then aligned it equally with that text in frame. Next I removed the frame and added Stave spacer down with height of 10 as it is the default value for frame Are there any better solutions for positioning plain staff text?

In reply to by pianistmka

Staff text isn't meant for this, so there is great way to do it. but, you shouldn't need the spacer - MuseScore should allocate extra space automatically. If you attach the staff text to the bottom staff, anyhow - otherwise, you'd need to disable autoplace to get the text down to the bottom of the page, and then it wouldn't have space added automatically anymore. In which case the spacer would work. Either way, you'll need to hide this text in the part corresponding to whichever staff you use.

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