unable to get muse sounds on ms 4

• Nov 6, 2022 - 21:57

it has the check mark underneath the required parts, but has not added the new sounds in the software.


In reply to by bobjp

I have the same issue. Windows 11. All the sounds downloaded from Muse Hub ok for me including MS4 beta , but none of the Muse Sounds appear for me in MS4. I did have Ms4 alpha previously, which I uninstalled. I also still have MS3, if that matters. MuseHub wont let me download the sounds again, because it thinks I already have them.

In reply to by GregPPPP

The sounds should be in C:/ProgramData/MuseHub/Downloads/Instruments. That's the only place MU4 can find them.
Activate them in MU4 in View/Playback setup. Or in the mixer.
Or in the mixer, mouse over the right side of where it says "MS Basic" on a channel. Select the down arrow that appears. MuseSounds should be one of the choices.
It makes no difference if you still have MU3 or a nightly of MU4.

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks bobjp, I can see that the sounds are all there in C:\ProgramData\MuseHub\Downloads\Instruments. In View > Playback setup, the Muse Sounds option is greyed out, not selectable. In the mixer, only the MS Basic sounds are available. Could you let me know what the version number of beta is (just in case it has somehow managed to re-install alpha)? when I copy the version info from the About screen, it gives : OS: Windows 10 Version 2009, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.0-223072007, revision: 2c34155, is this correct for MS4 beta?

In reply to by bobjp

I don't seem to have the option at all. Albeit It was perfectly fine the last time I used MS4, but after playing around with muse effects 1 day, it seems that everything has been deleted for no reason. I have currently re-installed everything, yet only the effects can be seen; Musesounds still isn't an option, while MS Basic is the only option, although most of the instrument audio still sounds like musesounds, it doesn't seem to work for the Timpani especially, which is dissapointing as it sounds horrible with the basic soundfont. Do you know how i can fix this issue?

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