Melisma line too low

• Nov 20, 2022 - 20:20

I'm playing bass for a Christmas Eve production at a local church (not ours). On an a cappella arrangement of Silent Night by Pentatonix, the worship leader has said that he might add stuff to that, so I'm copying the sheet music into Musescore on my laptop. However, when crossing pages, there's a melisma line in the alto part that is too low and falls within the staff for the tenor part, as illustrated in the attached screenshot, where I've also highlighted the problem in GIMP. For the record, I'm running version 3.2.3dfsg2-11 on Debian Stable ("Bullseye").

Attachment Size
musescore-melisma-line-error.png 136.81 KB


Update: It resolved itself. On the previous page, the altos went down to an F below the treble clef staff, which is why that happened. Also, when I added more lyrics to the page on which the glitch happened, it resolved itself. It's all good now.

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