Keyboard shortcut for natural/sharp/flat

• Nov 21, 2022 - 16:30

Hi, I have just joined this group and am using Musescore for the first time. I find it better and better the more I use it. One query I have though is whether there are any keyboard shortcuts for inserting a natural or sharp or flat symbol in the score as you type.


In MuseScore 3, you can configure them in Edit > Preferences > Shortcuts.
For the upcoming MuseScore 4, these do have defaults +/-/=

In reply to by alistairsmith

Nio, not obvious - the name of the command uses the symbol for flat/sharp/natural instead of the names, so that means unfortunately they don't appear in search. Try searching for "note input" instead, and you'll find them.

Note that you don't normally need these shortcuts, as most people enter accidentals using the arrow keys (eg, type "C Up" to get a C#). But that doesn't help with courtesy accidentals or alternate enharmonci spellings of diatonic notes, like if you ever need an A# in the key of F.

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