Creating ties in Musecore 4

• Dec 13, 2022 - 11:52

Until now it used to be the '+' key but in MS4 that now raises / lowers the note by a semitone instead. I saw on the Beta page that ties and slurs are changed but I can't find ties in the menu any longer or a link to any documentation that mentions it. Any clues?


Slurs haven't actually changed, still "S". But ties are indeed now "T", so that -/+/= can be flat/sharp/natural and we can finally have shortcuts for accidentals.

There is also the tie button on the toolbar, along with slurs now. I don't think ties have ever been found in a menu.

FWIW, the only other shortcut I can think of that changed is the one for moving to the next measure while entering chord symbols - was Tab, but that now has special meaning for accessibility, so it's Ctrl+Right (same as when navigating to next measure normally).

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