MS Chord Offset

• Dec 13, 2022 - 22:17

How do I offset a chord position in MS4? I can move move noteheads and stems (but not beam ends) but I can't find any combination of disabling auto-place or mouse/keyboard actions that will move the middle voice below without shifting all notes on that beat. does not help.

General observation is that the Properties pane is significantly slowing down notation over MU3. Where I can find MU4 replacements for MU3 options, they're one or two more additional page scrolls and clicks to access. (Of course that might be a way of deliberately slowing down keyboard-entry as MU4 crashes if I go too fast!) It would probably be faster to do all initial entry in MU3 and then import to MU4 for a layout touch-up.

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ms4-chord-offset.png 3.22 KB


Use the offset in the Appearance section to move the whole chord.

There is definitely a tradeoff regarding Properties. In some cases, the improvements to the properties panel in terms of being able to work one selection that include multiple elements will save time. In other cases, the extra click to reach Appearance or whatever can add up. It does pay to combine those adjustments into a single pass where possible, as the Appearance tab does stay open as you select other elements. In the end, I find it about a wash. In theory, the real win is for new users who supposedly won't be as overwhelmed by options.

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