More brass sounds for Muse Sounds

• Dec 17, 2022 - 10:03

I write a lot for wind band and British style brass band. For now, the instruments in Muse Sound is mostly catered to symphony orchestra. The following brass instruments would be great additions for a future release:
• Cornet (and ideally a separate Eb Cornet)
• Flügel horn
• Tenor horn (or sometimes called alto horn)
• Baritone horn
• Euphonium

The cornet and euphonium would be great for wind band and the rest for brass band. Having cornets and flugelhorns would also be great for other ensembles with brass as well.


Highly agree with this, surprised there wasn't euphonium in MuseSounds. Also wonder why there's a contrabassoon soundfont but no contra-alto/contrabass clarinet soundfont.

I absolutely agree with this. I write for Brass Band too and think these additions would be advantageous. Considering there is a score template already in Musescore, it would be good to have these sounds produced to reflect this.

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