Number Pad not functioning on Musescore 4.

• Dec 17, 2022 - 11:40

The number pad is not registering for note duration, which is handicapping my note input process. The number bar above the keyboard is working, but I can't work with it long term, as I use this software to engrave large scores. I've tried restarting it, and I've double checked the NumLock, and I just can't get it to work, I even tried going in and manually re-mapping all of the keyboard shortcuts using only the number pad.

So, I'll be using 3.6 for all the not input, and then bringing it into 4 for all the rest of the engraving at this point, otherwise it's going to take me years.


Same and I thought they were going to fix this, but it still does not work for me on mac, updated to latest version. Musescore 4 seems to have deleted all kinds of useful keyboard shortcuts I used in 3 and I will go back to 3 if these issues are not solved soon. Some update; the engraving improvements are not worth it.

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