version 4 audio

• Dec 18, 2022 - 15:01

I just downloaded version 4 and the playback is garbled. Also, during installation, there was an option to get improved audio (woodwinds, etc.) that disappeared. How do I get them now?


Playback is a hot topic right now. For starters, in Edit/Preferences/(I/O) set Buffer to 4096. You need to install V4 via the MuseHub to get the new Muse Sounds.

In reply to by bobjp

> "You need to install V4 via the MuseHub to get the new Muse Sounds"
You don't. You can install MS4 separately using the normal installer.

To install the optional Muse Sounds playback library you do need the Muse Hub, which act as its downloader and installer.

In reply to by LL8on

If you are on Windows and you see MuseHub in your app list, it runs from the taskbar. Hit the up arrow and select the "H". If it isn't there, Select the Hub from your app list and it should open.

Sure, I misspoke slightly. I never meant to imply you couldn't download MS4 without the Hub.

In reply to by LL8on

Open a score. In the main menu bar select View/ Playback setup. In the left of the popup select Muse Sounds to make it active. OK. Open the mixer. At the top of a channel, scroll over the right part of the title until a down arrow appears. Select the arrow. Scroll over Muse Sounds, Select the instrument group and instrument you want. Do this for each instrument in the score. The next time you open this score, Muse Sounds will be selected automatically. Should work for other scores saved in MS4. You can open MS3 scores, but will have to select instruments.
Good luck.

In reply to by bobjp

Ok. I dId that. Playback is better but still not smooth (it stutters). I wrote a simple scale for Bass Sax. Muse Sounds doesn't have it even though it's available in the jazz instruments menu. So I chose Baritone Sax (which is what v. 3 does). But notes that are out of range of the Baritone Sax are silent now. Also, where is Recorders in Muse Sounds? They are not in the Woodwinds.
Thanks for all your help.

In reply to by LL8on

If you don't see it in the list in the mixer, then Muse Sounds doesn't have it yet. But Muse Basic probably does. Go ahead and set up your score with the instruments you want. Muse Basic will fill in what is missing. I'm working on a document that has the other settings you need.

In reply to by LL8on

You should see something like this: sound.png
In this screen shot I am using a little usb audio device. Your default device will be different. Double click your device.
In the next popup select "Advanced". You should see this: advanced.png
Select the numbers where it says bitrate and select the next lowest number. Uncheck "Exclusive Mode"

I have no idea about count in.

In reply to by LL8on

On your taskbar where it says "Search", type "control center". Select the app. In the window that opens you should see a speaker icon labeled "Sound". If you don't see it you many need to select view large icons (or something like that) to see all the icons in Control Center. Select the icon. What opens should look similar to my pic. I had W11 for a short time. Once you get off the home screen, things don't look that different.

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