MuseScore 4 Linux Terminal

• Dec 21, 2022 - 04:05

After hours of trying to get this to run, it did. The window popped on the screen, bringing me a sigh of relief, but one problem about it is the size of the window being big. Not only that, since everything was done on the Terminal, I close it, and POOF, MuseScore 4 does too. It's like MuseScore is something that needs to be run on like in an electric circuit, and the Terminal is like the main thing (aka the battery/switch). The size of the window problem is below, but I couldn't get to put a video of the terminal closing problem.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2022-12-20 9.58.31 PM.png 295.54 KB


Put another way, when you open a terminal on Linux, you get a 'shell'. Running programs from that terminal are 'children' of the terminal's shell. Close the terminal shell, the children can't continue running. A possible option might be to add a '&' after the MuseScore program command you enter (at the end of the command line). That evokes a new shell, separating the process from the terminal shell. Then you can close the terminal w/o killing MuseScore process.

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