Lyrics attached to different rhythms

• Dec 24, 2022 - 08:14

I have slightly different rhythms in different verses. I want to attach the lyrics in one verse to the rhythm in voice 1 and the lyrics in a different verse to the rhythm in voice 2.

In the attached example (assuming I can get it attached properly :-) ), the first verse sings "A", "B" on two quarter notes, then "D" on a half note. The second verse sings "A", "B", "C" on a quarter note-triplet, then "D" on the half note. In this example screenshot, the second verse's lyrics are simply attached to the first-verse notes: that is, "B C" is attached to the second quarter note, which puts them into approximately the right place.

Is there a way to attach the words in that second verse's lyrics to voice 2's notes?

Second, and much lower priority, is it possible for the playback to play voice 2 instead of voice 1, only on the verse with the different lyric? For example, if the lyric uses that different rhythm on verse 2 and 4 of 7 verses, can I get it to play the different lyric only on verse 2 and 4 of 7 repeats? Other than expanding the repeat and simply changing those two verses?


Attachment Size
lodv.JPG 10.13 KB


Never mind. I figured it out. I just have to select the Voice 2 and attach the different lyrics to that voice. Obvious ... once you see it. sigh


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