Instrument names language

• Dec 25, 2022 - 11:43

The language of instrument names is depending on application language. That's the very wrong decision. I'm Polish and I'm stuck with Italian names. That results with "Chitarra basso" or "Batteria" instead of "Bass Guitar" and "Drumset" (or instead of "Gitara basowa" and "Zestaw perkusyjny"). That also results with things like "V-ni" in place of "Vln. I" / "Vn 1", etc.

I understand that they use Italian names in classical music, but lots of pop/jazz/modern musicians use English (and even Polish in some cases) names. We should have an option to set the language for the score OR for the application OR to set it in the [Add or remove instruments]/[Choose Instruments] window. And maybe the list of instruments should be user defined (with an easy option to load/save to file)?

For now I need to set the app language to English to create the score I want, or even to find the correct instrument :/ . Unexperienced users/musicians will not like it.

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instruments.png 67.25 KB

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