seperating to voices on a rest

• Jan 6, 2023 - 20:15

Currently, it only lets you add another voice when there is a note inputted, so if I want to add notes only on a second voice, I have to:
*add a note
*create another voice
*delete the note
*then, enter the notes I want on the second voice

the process would be much easier if we could tap on a rest, then press the "voice 2" button, so that we wouldn't need to enter a note just to delete it later
It is also helpful, because it gives us the option to decide that we want to write in more than 1 voice without having to think of a melody first, and it could be easier to understand for new users (so they wouldn't have to press the button only for it to do nothing, then realizing it only works after you input notes into it)

edit: I realized you can enter notes directly in the second voice while in note input mode, but I'm talking about being outside of it. for example, for copying and pasting


If you select a measure and goto Tools >Voices >Exchange Voices 1 & 2 a blank measure will now have two voices. If you do this in a measure that already has notes then just repeat to put the notes back into their original Voice. You can also select the measure and press [Ctrl][Alt] 2 to enter in Voice 2 etc.

I have set up shortcut [Ctrl] 1 to do this (and have got rid of the original action for this shortcut which don't use). So, [Ctrl] 1 1 does it for me both for setting up a measure ready to receive notes in Voice 2 ans for times when I actually want to swap Voices.

In reply to by underquark

oh, I didn't know that. thanks!
I still think that maybe changing it so that you could just tap the empty measure and separate it into two voices would be helpful because it would make it easier for beginners and more comfortable in general, but that tip is helpful enough for me for now!
1. empty measure.png
2. press: voice two.png
3. two voices.png

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