Color code each note a different color on 1 voice part

• Jan 10, 2023 - 00:14

GOAL: Select a voice part and color code each note a different color. Not all voice parts should be color coded.

          I see 2 existing plugins that do the following (see below) but I am really trying to basically combine these 2 functions.  Is this a possibility already?  My end goal is above.  It is really being used to help some dyslexic children in the choir.  Any feedback would be helpful.  Thanks
  1. Color Notes (this might be part of the base system)
    a. This plugin color codes all note A’s one color, note B’s a second color, etc.
  2. Color Voices
    a. This plugin color codes each voice part a different color. For example: all soprano is red, all alto is blue.


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