How to notate a polymeter and a polytempo?

• Jan 17, 2023 - 12:16

Hi all.
Is it possible to notate a polymeter (eg 5/4 against 4/4) in rhythmical slash notation.
Something like this (taken from a book), but with the measure indication (5/4 and 4/4). The important is to retain timing information (ie, the lower 2nd downbeat - 5th overall beat- aligns with upper 5th beat).

In polytempo, the important is to retain the relation between beat durations for different tempi. Like the following example:

Attachment Size
polymeter.png 173.24 KB
polytempo.png 159.76 KB


Both are possible with a little effort.

For the first example, easiest is usually to set the time signature to the "least common denominator" - e.g., 8/4 in your example of 5+3 against 4+4 - then add midmeasure barlines as needed.

For the second example, use the "local time signature" feature to change one staff or the other (hold Ctrl while adding the time signature).

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