Chord not played for a "seconda volta"

• Jan 17, 2023 - 17:21


When you write a repetition and that the second time it continues to play (symbol: seconda volta), the chord is not played. It's difficult to explain.

Try the enclosed file. The chord B7 of the third system is not played.

Attachment Size
Autumn Leaves.mscz 22 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks for your reply.

It seems like I had to restart MuseScore, for an unknown reason, in order to play the score correctly. Strange...

I reached a point where the melody was not played at all for the entire repetition, nor the chords excepted the F#m7b5, which suddenly jumped to the B7 (the one which has not been played when I created this topic).

But now it works like a charm.

If I encounter other bugs like this when writing, I will post again.

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