How to clear list of recent files viewed online (in the cloud).

• Jan 19, 2023 - 06:39

I now have several screens full of files viewed in the cloud. There is no way i can find to clear them. No problem clearing those I have saved to my PC as a command exists for that. The online handbook for version 4.0 does not help me -- or I am not lookinging in the right place.
Any hints/ advice etc would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Paolo


I'm a Windows 10 user, so this information is rather specific to Windows.

The MuseScore 4 .ini file is typically kept here:

The Recent Files list is towards the end of the .ini file in this section:

Strangely the menu command File > Open recent > Clear recent files does clear the entire Recent File list from the .ini file - and this includes deletion of filenames for Cloud files.

So I reckon this is a bug in MS 4.0

In reply to by DanielR

More information.
There does seem to be a way to remove a Cloud file from the Recent Files list, but follow these steps at your own risk. I am not a developer, and I don't yet understand fully how to use MS 4.

Again, this is Windows-specific:
1. Cloud scores are typically listed in this folder:
C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\MuseScore4\Cloud Scores\
2. Locate any Cloud scores (.mscz files) which you do not want in the Recent Files list.
3. Delete those scores from the folder.

This seems to leave the Cloud version intact, but the filename no longer appears in the Recent Files list.

I still feel that this is probably a bug.

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