Here's an interesting observation about the tabs vs separate windows debate.
I not saying one is any better than the other. But think about this: Let's say you have MS4 open. And let's say you have 5 or 6 or 15 other scores open. In MS3 they are tabs, of course.
If they were tabs in MS4 and something weird happened (what?) and the program crashed (That would never happen. Would it?). Guess what you just lost? As it is now, you would only loose one score.
Would be good if the user had a choice.Be aware, though, that MS4 windows take up a lot more RAM than MS3 tabs.
In reply to Would be good if the user… by underquark
I know. You're right.
Here's what I have open right now:
Sibelius-one orchestra score
MS3-one orchestra score
MS4-10 orchestra scores
CPU usage fluctuates 20 to 60 %
Ram usage 80%
I only have 8 GB ram. Not the recommended 16 GB. 8 year old tired laptop. Dual core not the minimum 4 core or recommended 6 core.
If I change what I have open to 12 MS3, 1 MS4 and the rest.
10% CPU and 50% RAM.
Again, I'm not saying one is better than the other.