Moving scores from MS3 to MS4

• Feb 2, 2023 - 10:56

I can drag and drop a file into MS4 but when I save it to my computer with a different name, I put a 4 in front to make it easy to identify, it opens in MS3. Any thoughts welcome. I presume that I am missing something fairly obvious!


It is your operating system that decides which application to use. That decision is based only on the file extension - Musescore 3 and Musescore 4 both use the .mscz extension. The upshot is, you have to tell the operating system which version to use. One version can be set as the default, in your case it is still MS3. In Windows you can decide which version to use on a case by case basis by right clicking on the file and using "Open with..." to select version 3 or version 4. From that same dialogue you can set the default by ticking the "Allways use this app ... " box. Other operating systems may do the same thing their own different way.

Hmm.. not sure I know what dropping and dragging a file is? You open MS 4 then you can use finder to click on a MS 3 score. Your MS four scores should already show up. I am having issues with this though. Not everything showing up in the open scars window that I have recently created. Different computers are not showing all my scores in MS four. I don’t know if you’re having that problem or not?

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