'File' menu inccorrect operation on 4k monitor in full screen
v4.0.1.230121751, rev 9b70a8c
Using: Windows 11, up to date patches etc
Assumes you have used MuseScore previously and have previous scores listed in 'Open Recent'.
Occurs in full maximised mode (i.e. the MuseScore window is maximised) on a 4k external monitor.
1 - Open MuseScore and maximise size (fill screen)
2 - 'File'
3 - Hover over 'New' or 'Open' - no issue
4 - Hover over 'Open recent'
Instead of the 'recent' list opening to the right, it opens over the top of the 'File' menu and obscures all other options
5 - Move the cursor down and hover over one of the normal 'File' menu options like 'Print' or 'Quit' and the 'Open recent' list will dissapear and the normal 'File' menu will appear correctly
This does not happen if the MuseScore window is not maximised to the full screen. If you manually adjust the size of the MuseScore window so it is not maximised (Windows term), then this issue does not occur.
It also does not occur on my Windows Laptop screen when maximised. The Laptop screen is not 4k :(
A video is attached. I had tried to notate it but having problems with my video editing software.