How do I move a barline to give more space?

• Feb 5, 2023 - 23:29

How do I move a barline to give more space?


More space for what? Measures expand to accommodate whatever you put in them. There should be no need to move barlines for normal notation. Perhaps you are trying to do something unusual. Please explain in more detail what you are trying to achieve.

In reply to by duanem@rocketm…

There are a few ways you could do that. One would be to add system breaks so that you have fewer measures in the system. Another would be to adjust the leading space on the first note in the measure. Another would be to adjust the page margins. Another would be to reduce the staff space scaling. If you attach your score (.mscz file) and describe in more detail what you want to achieve someone can probably point out a method that is best suited to your goal.

If you care to attach the score you're dealing with, others can research. I think for MS3, if you select a measure, with Shift+Left/Right bracket/brace keys, you can effect some change in measure width.

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