Can I change the size of symbols from master pallet?

• Apr 19, 2023 - 01:31


I was wondering if it's possible to change the size of a symbol from the master pallet on either musescore 3 or 4. An ornament used in baroque guitar music looks like the bar repeat sign but the only one I can insert is way too big for my needs. Any suggestions?

Thank you

Attachment Size
symbol.jpg 26.95 KB


Not as a symbol, but as a staff-text, sure:

1) Open Master Palette (Default Shift+F9 in MS3)
2) Add staff-text onto a [chord or rest]
3) Select character in M.P. as desired:
Here's a demonstration:


Alternatively the more "normal" route is to press the "Special Character" button
on the bottom left once typing into a staff text, but then you don't have a search function. Don't know why the coded it that way. Can't open Master Palette while typing in Staff Text either, so do it before hand. Again, don't know why they coded it that way :)

"Good Luck"

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