MuseScore 4 takes 30 seconds to save files on Windows

• Apr 20, 2023 - 09:02

MuseScore - please, please fix the save issue! It makes version 4 is completely unusable for me. I'm on Windows 10 and it seems to happen when my file is located on a synced drive such as a OneDrive or Google Drive directory - which they all are. I had to disable auto-save as the GUI would constantly freeze but every time I hit ctrl-S it locks up for around 30 seconds.

It wouldn't be so bad if I could go back to version 3 but I can't, now, having saved as a MuseScore 4 file (sharing scores with others in the band).

Please help!


Saves certainly shouldn’t take that long unless your file is enormous. Please attach the score so we can investigate.

Meanwhile, if you wish for whatever to open an MU4 score in MU3, try exporting g to MusicXML.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc - thanks for responding so quickly. Interesting. I was going to say that it's not at all score dependent - happens with absolutely any score, regardless of size - but I went and created a test score in MS 4.0.2 and, lo and behold, it saves fine. But it certainly has happened on any real score I've worked on (most but not all of which were originally created in 3.6 or other pre-4.0 version). I'm attaching a relatively simple random example from which I've deleted all but one instrument and it certainly happens here. I have worked on probably around 15-20 scores in 4.0 and it has happened with all of them (I now try to avoid using 4.0 versions if I can but sometimes it's unavoidable, as I'm sharing scores with others).

I did try the MusicXML route once but it was fraught with its own issues as I recall. My current workaround is to copy the file to a local C: directory, that isn't network-mirrored, while I'm working on it, and then copy it back to the network drive after edits. But it's easy to get versioning issues with this approach, so I really hope you can find whatever is causing the freezing!

Just found the repository on GitHub. I'm a dev myself - maybe will join the dev community...

Attachment Size
Valerie_-_Amy_Winehouse_v4_cut.mscz 53.03 KB

In reply to by kirrilyw

That score saves just fine for me, takes a second or so tops. You mention a network drive, that's seems a likely culprit here. Could be it's probably timing out on some operation, and if MU3 doesn't have the same problem, maybe it simply isn't performing that same operation like maybe MU4 does an extra validity check or something). Of course, that doesn't explain why a new score wouldn't show the same problem if your saving to the same network location. I'd look into your network configuration, and see if you can enable any sort of logging. A forum dedicated to network administration might be a good place to ask for further assistance on that.

As for MusicXML, not sure what problems you experienced, but while it's not 100% perfect, in general most things do come through well. Mostly, the music itself, as opposed to formatting,

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

OK, that's frustrating, but interesting. I've tried both Google Drive and (my personal) OneDrive with the same results. There may be some sort of network processes that my company's IT department have installed (I wouldn't be surprised). Can you recommend any network gurus on the team I could ask? Thanks for checking this out.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I also experience this problem when saving to my NAS. Local save is "relatively" quick, although still pretty slow for a 2MB file on my system. It appears that a temporary file is built before "pasting it over" the final target file.

Perhaps it would be beneficial, as a quick workaround, to use a local cache/temp directory to create the file before copying it to the eventual destination. Also, saving is very "serial" in Musescore. In other applications I use the save process seems to be handled in a different thread, meaning that can continue working during the save. For example, in Reaper I have a 15x larger project file that saves in less than a second whilst the software appears to be operating normally (playback uninterrupted)

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