How to apply layout / styles to a music xml file?

• Apr 22, 2023 - 13:30

Currently in the process of migrating Sibelius Leadsheets to MuseScore. To do that, I export them to an xml file which I open with MuseScore.

Is there a way to apply the same layout / style to all those xml files in MuseScore? When initially opening the file I see many things I need to alter for every single file. Changes I need are:

  • Title text and composer text size should always be the same (it currently is smaller than intended)
  • show clef only on first staff
  • hide bar numbers
  • chords show only extension (root is missing)
  • chords using - ^or ø show as m maj or m7b5, can - ^ ø etc be preserved?

Am aware how to change all those aspects to my needs, but the question is, can this be automated so that I apply my preferred style to the opened xml file?


Change one score to suit your needs in all regards to style settings, then use Format > Save style
On all other then use Format > Load style

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

This is not working as per your description. "Format > Save style…" from a file using
- "Format > Style > Chord Symbols > Style > Jazz"
- Title: Font Size 26pt
- Chords: Font Size 20pt
- clef + key signature only on first staff
- no bar numbers
saved style.png

When loading the saved styles file to another file via "Format > Load style…" would like to apply identical styles on via "Style > Load Style…" to a file that looks like this:
imported xml, no styles loaded.png
after loading styles:
after loading styles.png

Things that changed as expected:

  • chord size: 20 pt
  • clef + key signature only on first staff
  • no bar numbers

Things that did not change as expected:

  • Title: font size still 22pt (26pt expected)
  • Chord Style is not jazz (interestingly when looking at "Format > Style… > Chord Symbols > Style" as expected "Jazz" is selected. But it seems not applied? Is this maybe a bug in loading and applying styles to chord symbols? As soon as I switch to Standard and back to "Jazz" the style is changed as expected
  • The way chords are used: for a major chord I want C^7 (which is what I used ni the sheet I saved the styles from) but when loaded I still see Cmaj7. Probably I have to change this differntly for all sheets?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

THANK YOU so much!
I have been wrestling with this for so long and wasting time on so many scores formatting the same thing over and over wondering why Musescore didn't allow us to change the defaults. This is huge game saver and such an easy fix. This program is amazing but like most really good programs the features are many and take a long time to learn how to use them. I have seen Youtube tutorials but they generally just give the basics to get started but don't get into the really useful tips and tricks. Thanks again!

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