MuseScore 4 crashes on file export
Each time I want to export a score to another format than pdf, MuseScore 4 crashes and the exported file is empty. Only pdf-files can be generated.
Under MuscScore 3 the export works fine.
Any suggestions to resolve that problem?
I don't think this is a general issue, so ypou'd need to tell us ypour exact versionand your opersting system, and share at least one score and tell exporting to which format does crashes
In reply to I don't think this is a… by Jojo-Schmitz
I'm using MuseScore 4. Version 4.0.2 with Windows 10.
I added the file "Tonero_Partitur_alle_Instrumente.mscz" for which I want export all instruments to seperated Midiifiles or MusicXML-Files.
In reply to I'm using MuseScore 4… by brian971
I can confirm the crash.
Please report in GitHub,
In reply to I'm using MuseScore 4… by brian971
Could be related to (Edit:, no it is not)
Or maybe (not very likely) or or
yes same for me
In reply to yes same for me by AmeliaCHOI
What version of MuseScore exactly, what OS, and which score (attach it here)