drum charts with kicks

• May 10, 2023 - 18:41

I'm hoping to get some help here about drum chart notation. I've read some posts here, but think I am doing something wrong. My basic issue is simple: I need to create a jazz drum chart with slashes and rhythms written with smaller, but regular noteheads above the staff. I entered my simple and of 4 kick as a snare rhythm, and then exchanged voices 1-3, as suggested here. Issue 1: I can't edit the size of the flag on the 8th note - not a big deal, but it looks kind of silly. Issue 2 (my main problem): when I move the 8th note up to the area just above the staff, I can't change the notehead from the default cross, as the option to edit this is greyed out. All of this fussing about seems a little time consuming, is there a template available to make this a little quicker? I would love to be able to just enter rhyhms above the slash notation, but when I started with the slashes and went to enter the kicks, it got very messy fast. Any help is appreciated.


Looks like you're still using an older version of MuseScore that had some problems here and in other areas - much better results in the current version (4.0.2).

But, also, I'm not quite understanding what you mean about the size of the flag - it looks like all eighth notes in that font, which is pretty standard for "handwritten" fonts. And more importantly, I don't see where you've done the "toggle rhythmic slash notation" which is normally the next step after the voice exchange. It's meant to be very quick:

1) enter the desired rhythm in voice 1 (eg, using snare)
2) exchange voice 1-3
3) toggle rhythmic slash notation
4) fill with slashes

Steps 2-4 go extremely quickly because the selection remains valid the whole time.

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