Expression text option not working

• May 10, 2023 - 23:19

when I try to add an expression text using the "Text" option under Palettes, it doesn't do anything. I tried right-clicking, dragging it to the area I wanted, and checking the handbook, and I couldn't find any solutions. can someone help?


"when I try to add an expression text using the "Text" option under Palettes, it doesn't do anything"

  1. First select a note (or rest) on a specific staff, so that MuseScore knows where to place the Expression text.
  2. In the Text palette, click on Expression - you get an italic text with contents "Expression".
  3. You should not expect this text to have any effect on playback. It's just a placeholder, and you can then change the text to any suitable instruction for the human musician. For example: con affetto, grazioso, tutta forza.

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