Muse score playing whole page at once!

• May 11, 2023 - 04:15

How do I get Musescore to stop playing the whole page at once and only one section at a time like normal sheet music? It’s driving me crazy. The blue line is appearing on the entire page and not stave by stave like it’s supposed to. Please help! I’m going crazy. How do I fix it.

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IMG_1212.jpeg 1.41 MB


Looking at your picture which shows eight measures; and judging by the blue playback cursor spanning 2 systems...

Instead of 1 piano instrument playing eight measures in succession, your picture shows 2 piano instruments, each one playing four measures concurrently. (The second piano is actually "playing" rests.)
You need to get rid of 1he second piano and then add more measures to the first piano to make a second system which then gets played after the first system.

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