sound quality bad

• Jun 20, 2023 - 18:23

help pls pls pls plsplsp ps psspsplspl pslp sl spl psl psl pls
the sound quality sound bad :(

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rickroll.mscz 35.17 KB


Your score sounds fine on my system, so there must be something going on with yours to make it different. One common issue is a sample rate mismatch in your OS - see if you can find that setting and selecting 44.1 kHz, or some other value other than whatever it is right now. You can also try increasing the buffer size within MuseScore, in Edit / Preferences / I/O.

Everyone who has been experiencing choppy / stuttering / laggy sound in MuseScore 4, please see Playback issues on audio devices set to high sample rates. The usual recommended fix is to set your audio device sample rate to 44.1 kHz. Whether that works or not for you, please respond in that thread and provide the requested info, to help us diagnose what might be happening. We'd very much like to figure out why this happens on some systems, so we need help from the people who experience this issue!

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