Metal Voice?

• Oct 4, 2014 - 03:22

Hey everybody! I have been using Musescore to write a bunch of metal songs, and I've been having to make do using gunshot sounds or the alfred hitchcock scream sound for the voice. Needless to say, neither are very satisfactory.

Does anyone know of a good deathmetal scream soundfont? I can find great guitar soundfonts but nothing for the voice (which is often the most interesting and important part, and the music does not sound correct without it).

If nobody knows of one, I'll try to make one myself, but I'll have to wait until I'm the only one home so I don't disturb anyone with the noise! Or maybe someone could offer to give me samples?


Wow, personally, I think it would be really hard to make metal screams on a program like musescore. It's not a flat sound, and has lots of...inflections. Then again, it depends on what kind you're referring to. I can't imagine fry screams ending well, let alone recording it.

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