Default note duration

• Jul 19, 2023 - 12:04

Hi, I have just started using v4, previously on v3. I usually input notes using a midi keyboard. It bothers me that the sound when using the midi keyboard does have a fixed duration (i believe set by "default note duration" in the settings). Also the sound does not respond to the sustain pedal. Seems like Musescore listens to midi note-on messages only, neglecting e.g., note-off and sustain messages. Is there a way to fix this, so that the sounds play back as I play them? I get that when playing back a score, note durations and articulations e.t.c, need to follow the score, but when in input/edit mode this is just frustrating to me. I need to hear the notes as I play them.
Best regards,


It's the same for me. I need to play and experiment on the MIDI keyboard before I input the notes.

The default note duration only makes sense when using the ASCII keyboard.

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