MU 4.1 Crash after adding thirds on tied notes
Steps (1) Create new piano score. You could copy the notes from the attached score to your new one
(though I have no idea of potentially unreported corruptions). Save.
Select all measures in upperstaff. Press Alt + 3 to add thirds. Strange results. Undo.
Press Alt + 3 again. Crash.
Steps (2) Open your score. Press Alt + 3 to add thirds. Undo. Press Alt + 3 again. Will sometimes crash.
In my case 4x. Then it didn't crash anymore.
MU 4.1 on Win 11
Attachment | Size |
Crash-Ties.mscz | 19.74 KB |
I'm not able to reproduce this crash or any particular strange results in the release candidate of 4.1.1. Can you check that also? See the Announcements forum for download links.
In reply to I'm not able to reproduce… by Marc Sabatella
Slightly different crash on MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.1.1-232050501, revision: dfdbbec (Nightly)
Select all. Alt + 3. Loose ties. Undo. Again Alt + 3. Crash.
In reply to Slightly different crash on… by [DELETED] 135427
Same crash on MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.0-232050502, revision: 9be710d
In reply to Slightly different crash on… by [DELETED] 135427
Even though I wasn't able to reproduce, best to open an issue; maybe someone else will be able to.
In reply to Even though I wasn't able to… by Marc Sabatella
Issue created.
In reply to Slightly different crash on… by [DELETED] 135427
I can reproduce this crash on win10
In reply to I can reproduce this crash… by Johan-v
And fixed today. Excellent!