128th note

• Aug 1, 2023 - 07:36

I remember there being 128th notes in Musescore 3. Where are they in Musescore 4? (I just started using Musescore 4.)


In reply to by [DELETED] 39744018

The one on the Guitar palette with the curved line and arrow and the word "full" that you can customize in the Properties palette is meaningful only for guitar - actually, really only for tablature. It would not be understood by any other musicians. The ones in the Arpeggios & Glissandi palettes - the glissandis themselves (after setting to portamento play style) and the curved lines fall, doit, plop, and scoop are meaningful for all instruments (and voice). And these all playback in MU4, but the fall etc did not in MU3.

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