How to Enter a Measure w/Number in Voice part indicating instrumental introduction

• Aug 4, 2023 - 03:13

I'm editing a MuseScore that has 4 measures of piano introduction and 16 measures of piano only within the music.

I want to print off just the vocals and use a "big" number to show the 4 measures & 16 measures where they do not sing. It probably has a term, but I do not know what it is. Can this be done in MuseScore? And if so, how?

Thanks -- Lynda P


Does the activation of "multimeasure rests" (key 'm') not meet your expectations?
To add the range specification you can find settings in "Format/Style/Measure Numbers" to activate them and under "Format/Style/Text Styles/Multimeasure Text Range" to format the text.

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