Creating instruments with different time signature and different amount of measures in each system

• Aug 4, 2023 - 04:46

Hi, I need to make instruments independent as shown in image, they all have different time signature and different amount of measures in each system, how can I do it? I hope someone can help me.

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Mensural Canon.png 262.21 KB


The problem is that each stave within the system has measures of a different length. This means that using a local time signature will not solve the problem.

Instead you have to do this:
a) merge all the measures into a single measure, up to the point where barlines coincide on all staves (see double barline in screenshot below)
b) then you can write the notes in this single giant measure of 36 beats
c) insert barlines where needed: select the last note of each measure, and use the Barlines section in the Master palette
d) fake the individual time signatures, using symbols from the Master palette:
- search for "time" in the Symbols section
- select the first note of the stave
- choose the number from Master palette
- adjust its horizontal and vertical Offsets in Properties
e) finally, make the original 4/4 time signature invisible
Measures of differing lengths.jpg

It's a lot of manual fiddling to do this, but MuseScore does allow it. Just don't expect to be able to see bar numbers displayed anywhere!

Attachment Size
Differing_time_signatures.mscz 21.3 KB

In reply to by danigu

It's hard to say what your problem is without having a screenshot of what it should look like.
And it's always helpful also to attach your score (.mscz file).

From your picture, it looks as though you perhaps missed / misunderstood the bit in bold:
"a) merge all the measures into a single measure, up to the point where barlines coincide on all staves"
... or you have tried to use a local time signature? Please don't do that, it won't work.

In reply to by danigu

Sorry but you didn't follow the steps correctly. This is what you should be seeing during note input (2 bars of 24 beats each) without any barlines:
Measures of differing lengths - 2.jpg

After that you can insert the barlines, separately for Alto and Tenor staves.
And finally you can fake the time signatures visually, by using digit symbols from the Master palette (not from the Time Signature palette) .

I did warn you that it's a tiresome process... ;-)

Attachment Size
Differing_time_signatures_2.mscz 17.33 KB

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