Sound from playback

• Aug 5, 2023 - 17:52

I'm getting a weird reverb sound when I play back the music input on Musescore 4.1.1. I've downloaded the Muse Sounds and applied them to the instruments concerned.

I'm still getting that horrible reverb. I didn't have this problem with Musescore 3.

On reading the forums it appears that this situation has been around for a while but was not included in the fixes for the version 4.1.1.

Any sign of this being fixed in the near future because the noise is dreadful and more than hard on my poor ears!

Hoping for some good news very soon.

Thanking you in advance,



Attachment Size
Canzoni Primi Toni à 8.mscz 30.92 KB


Your score sounds normal to me. Can you please describe the issue in more detail? It might help to make a screen recording and upload to YouTube or the like and include a link here so we can see & hear what you are.

Note that this score seems to be using MS Basic and should thus have the same unrealistic sound as MU3. For (much) better sounds, switch to Muse Sounds.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Very strange. It sounds normal to you and guess what, I've installed musescore 4.1.1 on my Linux Mint OS and there are no sound problems. So it must have something to do with my Microsoft settings. But as all is well with Linux (no surprises there!) I'll just use Linux. BTW, I thought that the score was using Muse Sounds. Must apply that to my Linux version also.
Thanks for your response.

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